March 2023 | Companion Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces

Visualizing Decisions and Analytics of Artificial Intelligence based Cancer Diagnosis and Grading of Specimen Digitized Biopsy: Case Study for Prostate Cancer

An illustration of the Gleason grading process for an example biopsy containing prostate cancer


The rise in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deep learning research has shown great promise in diagnosing prostate cancer from whole slide image biopsies. Intelligent application interface for diagnosis is a progressive way to communicate AI results in the medical domain for practical use. This paper aims to suggest a way to integrate state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms into a web application for visualizations of decisions and analytics of an AI based algorithms applied on cancer digitized specimen biopsies. Performed primarily by visualizing evidence and explanation of the decision using image from the biopsy. By creating smart visualizations of tissue biopsy images, from magnified regions to augmented sharper images along with image masks that highlight cancerous regions of tissue in addition to intelligent analytics and distribution charts related to cancer prediction, we aim to communicate these easily interpretable results to assist pathologists in their workflow for grading prostate cancer biopsies and concerned medical team to make better decisions for prostate cancer diagnosis as case study


  title={Visualizing Decisions and Analytics of Artificial Intelligence based Cancer Diagnosis and Grading of Specimen Digitized Biopsy: Case Study for Prostate Cancer},
  author={Singh, Akarsh and Wan, Michael and Harrison, Lane and Breggia, Anne and Christman, Robert and Winslow, Raimond L and Amal, Saeed},
  booktitle={Companion Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces},